Hedge laying demonstration at Lodge Farm Westhorpe
On the 22nd of February I will be hedge laying. This may not be thought of as out of the ordinary, after all I have been chopping and slicing away with billhook and chainsaw every working day since mid September. However on the 22nd I shall be working in front of an audience at the Barker Boys’ Lodge Farm at Westhorpe. From 10am -12.30 anyone who would like to find out more about the craft, observe hedge laying in action or even have a go themselves is invited to join us. Patrick Barker will also be on hand to talk about the importance of hedgerows and their management for farmland birdlife. Attendance is free however donations would be gratefully received with all money raised going to the Waveney [bird] ringing group https://waveneybirdclub.com/ringing/ringing-code-of-practice/
Refreshments will be available but please be aware that access to the area where I will be working is via farm footpaths with car parking at least 500m away from the site. The best place to park is St Margaret's Church, Westhorpe (see map)
